Hdqrs. Twenty-Third Missouri Volunteers, Near Atlanta, Ga.,
21, 1864
Captain: Agreeably to orders received from
, commanding brigade, I have the honor to report the movements of the Twenty-third Missouri Infantry Volunteers since joining the brigade.
I reported with seven companies of my regiment (three
companies having been left at McMinnville, Tenn., to garrison that post) to
, commanding First Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, near Vining's Station, Ga., on the
10th day of July, 1864, and encamped on the north side of the Chattahoochee River.
On the
we moved with the brigade across the river without opposition.
On the
crossed Peach Tree Creek under a heavy fire from the rebel skirmishers and threw up earth-works.
On the
moved forward again to obtain a more suitable position on the right of the brigade.
On the
three companies of my regiment arrived from McMinnville, Tenn. On the
were ordered to advance the skirmish lines, which was done under a heavy, enfilading fire.
On the
7th of August
Companies D and E and a portion of F, on the skirmish line, were ordered to advance.
A severe engagement ensued with the enemy's skirmishers, driving them to their main works, but [we] were forced to retire.
During the night the regiment advanced and threw up a line of works.
On the
we were relieved from the front line of works and placed in reserve.
Have remained in camp with the exception of the 19th and 20th, when we were out on a reconnaissance with the brigade.
Nominal list of casualties accompanying this report shows 1 officer and 2 men killed and 25 men wounded,
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part performed by the Twenty-third Missouri Volunteer Infantry in the campaign just closed, from the
6th of August
last to the present date:
On the
6th of August
the regiment remained in camp northwest of Atlanta in the second line of works, the Seventeenth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry occupying the first line in our immediate front.
, advanced my line about 150 yards in front of the Seventeenth Ohio and built breast-works, my skirmishers meeting with an obstinate resistance by the enemy's pickets, who finally unwillingly
withdrew to their first line of rifle-pits.
, and
, remained in camp; skirmish firing almost constantly, with occasional shelling.
, our lines being extended to the right, my regiment was placed in reserve in the second line of works.
, nothing worthy of notice has occurred with the regiment from the
11th instant
until to-day; it moved with the brigade about four miles to the right.
, marched about three and a half miles southeast toward the Montgomery railroad, crossing the same about
four miles below East Point
, remained in camp.
, marched about eight miles southeast and built breastworks.
, marched about three-quarters of a mile and threw up works.
In the evening of the same day advanced about two miles and again built breast-works.
, marched southeast about six miles, when the regiment was formed in the second line of battle, the Seventeenth Ohio on the right.
A portion of the Third Brigade, Third Division, being in the first line were hotly engaged with the enemy in our immediate front, but having succeeded in taking the enemy's works by assault,
capturing and dispersing the enemy, this regiment took no part in the battle.
, marched southeast about one and a half miles, crossing the Macon railroad near Jonesborough.
, remained in camp until to-day, when the regiment marched with the brigade on the Atlanta road about two miles, and was placed in the rear as a support to the skirmish line.
, marched about nine miles and went into camp near Rough and Ready.
, marched about seven miles to our present position,
one and a half miles
southeast of Atlanta
I am proud to be able to state that the officers and men of this regiment, without a single exception, have borne the hardships
and fatigues of the campaign without a murmur, never shunning danger where duty called, but always manifesting a willingness
truly commendable to do their duty wherever placed.
More than 250 men of this regiment having served over three years from date of enlistment, fears were expressed that they would not willingly join in the charge upon the enemy, as their term
of service had already expired, but all doubts on this point were dispelled in the affair of the
1st instant
, as at one time it was supposed our line would have to move up to the ��� support of the troops engaged with the enemy in our front,
and when the command to advance was given, they marched forward with an unwavering firmness and determination only known to
brave men.
Nominal list of casualties accompanying this report shows 8 men killed and 1 officer and 7 men wounded.
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Capt. W. B. CuRTIS , Asst. Adjt. Gen., 1st Brig., 3d Div., 14th Army Corps.
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