Hdqrs. Eighty-Ninth regiment Ohio Infantry, Near Atlanta, Ga.,
16, 1864
Sir: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the Eighty-ninth Regiment
Ohio Infantry in the present campaign, from the
7th day of May, 1864, to the
1st day of June, 1864, during which time the regiment was under my command:
The Eighty-ninth Regiment
Ohio Infantry marched from Ringgold, Ga., on the
7th of May, 1864, and bivouacked near Tunnel Hill, Ga., for the night.
Resumed the march on the day following, shifting to the right near one mile; halted, stacked arms, and rested for the night.
On the
we moved about the same distance to the right, stacked arms, and rested till evening, when orders were given to march to the front; which done, we bivouacked for the night; slight skirmishing was heard on our front.
Our position was not changed until the 12th, when we moved for Snake Creek Gap, passed through it at dark, and bivouacked for the night.
On the
we marched all day, and got into position at 8 p. m. to the left and near Resaca, Ga.; here wo lay on our arms during the night.
We changed position on the
; moved to the front; threw out skirmishers, who engaged and drove the enemy's skirmishers a short distance.
Our line was halted, the right of the Twenty-third Army Corps passing to our front, engaging the enemy from 12 m. till dark, during which time we lay in support of their right, under fire, but not engaged; lay on arms during the night.
We were relieved on the
, and moved a short distance to the right; halted and rested till the 16th.
The enemy having evacuated during the night, we moved in pursuit toward Resaca, near which we bivouacked for the night.
We resumed our march on the
, taking the railroad toward Atlanta; passed through Calhoun in the afternoon, moving beyond toward Adairsville
five miles; halted and rested for the night.
Took up our line of march on the
, passing through the village of Adairsville, following the Atlanta railroad till 10 p. m.; stacked arms and spent the balance of the night in sleep.
Marched at 9 a. m. on the 19th for Kingston, Ga.; passed through town at noon and formed line of battle; no enemy appearing, we crossed the creek in our front, moving upon the hill south a short distance;
formed line of battle, threw out skirmishers, and, after two hours delay, recalled them; moved by the left flank toward Cassville, where firing was heard, with slight skirmishing in front.
We halted, put out skirmishers, and threw up temporary breast-works, where we remained during the night and until the 23d.
We then marched for a ford of the Etowah River, which we waded; by 2 p. m. all were over and on our march.
We halted at 9 p. m. and bivouacked for the night.
At 10 o'clock on the 24th we moved to the right a couple of miles, halted an hour, countermarched the same road a short distance and went into camp,
where we remained till the morning of the 26th.
We then moved at 7.30 a. m., and moved south six miles and halted on Pumpkin Vine Creek; after an hour's rest we moved as train guards back toward Kingston; crossed Euharlee Creek at Euharlee Mills; continuing our march, crossed the Etowah River at the bridge; we halted and bivouacked for the night, where we remained till the train arrived from Kingston, going front at 7 o'clock on the
; we returned with it, recrossing the Etowah and Euharlee Creek at the same points; after marching twelve miles we halted and bivouacked for the night near Pumpkin Vine Creek.
On the morning of the 28th we moved for Burnt Hickory, which we reached at noon. After resting an hour, we moved toward Dallas and camped for the night in a little valley
two miles from Burnt Hickory
On the
we received orders to march with our division.
We moved eastward several miles, halting on a high hill.
After resting a short time we moved back, taking position northwest of our train, throwing out pickets, and went into camp,
where we remained till
, when
, of the Eighty-ninth Ohio Infantry, relieved me of its (Eighty-ninth Ohio Infantry) command.
Capt. W d. B Curtis , Asst. Adjt. Gen., 1st Brig., 3d Div., 14th Army Corps.
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