Hdqrs. Seventy-Fifth regiment Indiana Vols., Near Atlanta, Ga.,
17, 1864
I have the honor to make the following report of this regiment and its doings during the time mentioned in circular :
As this regiment has been engaged in no special or detached service, and has at all times acted under the immediate observation
of the brigade commander, and only in concert with the brigade, I deem it unnecessary here to mention such facts as must be
equally within your knowledge, and are not relative to this regiment alone.
The casualties in this regiment during the time are-
Lieut. Col.
, severely wounded in hand; enlisted men killed, 6; enlisted men wounded, 19.
Very respectfully, &c.,
I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment since last report; also a statement of
the strength of regiment
7, 1864
, and casualties since that time.
I do not consider it necessary to mention the marches, &c., of this regiment that were performed jointly with the command,
and under your immediate observation.
That omitted, leaves but the operations of
and the morning of
1, 1864
, to report.
During that time this regiment was connected with the expedition under command of
, of the Eighty-second Indiana, which had for its object the destruction of the railroad between Atlanta and Macon, Ga. That object was successfully and efficiently accomplished, this regiment taking an active part, laboring without any intermission
in building fortifications and in destroying the railroad track, until ordered to rejoin the command.
The effective strength of this regiment was-
Captain Cilley , Assistant Adjutant-General. Second Brigade.
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