Hdqrs. Third Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps, Camp near Atlanta, Ga.,
25, 1864
Major: I have the honor to transmit the following report of the operations of the Third Brigade during the present campaign up to the morning of the
6th day of August
In pursuance of orders from my general commanding division, the troops composing the brigade, except the Eighteenth Kentucky Volunteers, left to garrison Ringgold, in obedience to orders from department headquarters, left Ringgold on the
10th day of May, 1864, and arrived in the evening of Sunday in front of Buzzard Roost, when we rejoined the division.
We remained in reserve until the 12th, when the brigade moved, but as guard to the entire trains of the corps, on the road to Villanow; thence through Snake Creek Gap to Sugar Creek Valley, when, leaving the trains on the evening of the
, we moved forward to the extreme left of the army, supporting during the night a division of
, Twenty-third Army Corps, in accordance with orders received from
Next day, the
14th instant
, rejoined our division, and on the
, excepting one regiment, Seventy-fourth Indiana Volunteers, detached as train guard, moved to ��� the right in. front of Resaca, relieving a portion of the troops of the Fifteenth Army Corps.
During the day and evening our skirmishers were hotly engaged with those of the enemy, inflicting upon them considerable loss,
and losing as follows:
Before break of day of the morning of the
16th instant
the pickets of our brigade, under charge of
, of the Tenth Kentucky Volunteers, were the first to discover the evacuation of their works by the rebels, and the first to occupy them, and, being re-enforced, pushed forward and captured some 60 prisoners without loss.
, left Resaca, passing through Adairsville, Calhoun, and Kingston.
No events of special importance transpired except that, on the
22d day of May
, the Tenth Indiana was detailed to form part of the garrison at Kingston, and rejoined the brigade on the
15th of June
Crossing Pumpkin Vine Creek
, and camping in rear of the Twenty-third Army Corps during the night,
took up position on the extreme left of Fourteenth Army Corps.
During the 2d, 3d, and 4th days our skirmish lines were during most of the time hotly engaged, although suffering but little loss, owing to the extreme
carefulness of officers and men. It was in the immediate rear of our lines, whilst occupying this position, that
, commanding the corps, had so narrow an escape from being shot, and his senior aide-de-camp,
, was killed.
Other general officers, including the general commanding the division, would have been killed during the occupancy of this position had not Providence been more merciful and rebels less skillful in arms than they were discreet.
The losses of the brigade at this point were:
, the rebels evacuated their works, brigade moving immediately forward, and on the
10th of June
went into position in front of Pine Knob, skirmishers engaging the enemy's pickets without loss.
Except changing of position to the left, building breast-works, digging trenches, marching, and bivouacking, nothing transpired
of interest until the
14th instant
, when our skirmish lines were again hotly engaged with those of the enemy, and continued to be so up to and during the 17th, when the enemy evacuated their position in front of the right of our army.
The losses of the brigade were:
On the 1.
9th instant
the brigade moved forward in support of the division, skirmishers driving the enemy's pickets on to Kenesaw Mlountain, taking
up position near the base of the mountain in reserve to the division.
During the intermediate period of time, from the 20th to the 26th, the brigade was subject to very severe shelling from the rebel batteries, and much annoyed by their sharpshooters scattered
along their front.
The fire of the rebel guns was much the severest we have experienced during the campaign, but resulted in comparatively small
loss, being as follows from the 20th to the 26th:--
On the
we moved to the right, and on the 27th were put in position to support the assault made by the division of
upon the enemy's works.
Until the 30th no changes were made in the position of the brigade, when we moved again to the right and, in conjunction with the First Brigade, relieved the division of
, Twentieth Army Corps.
On the morning of the
3d of July
, the rebels having evacuated Kenesaw Mountain, we moved forward to the south and west of Marietta, and camped at night in view of the enemy.
On the night of the
3d instant
threw up works, also on the
, but on the 5th the enemy again evacuated, going toward the Chattahoochee River; the brigade was moved in pursuit in advance of the corps, the Tenth Indiana moving in support of the skirmishers.
When within
two miles of Vining's Station
, on the Atlanta road, we came up with the rebel rear guard, and sharp skirmishing ensued, resulting in driving the enemy back to and across the railroad.
The brigade took up position for the night by the side of the railroad at ten-mile stone.
Until the 9th skirmishing continued more or less active among the pickets, when we were ordered to advance our picket-lines for the purpose
of developing the enemy's lines.
Moving out, the Tenth Kentucky Volunteers in support of the skirmishers, we soon engaged the rebel pickets, driving them at first a short distance with ease; but the skirmishers upon our left, having advanced within sight of the enemy's works, and meeting
with a heavy and severe fire, fell back to their support.
On being rallied and reenforced by two additional companies of the Tenth Kentucky, they again advanced to the position they had before advanced to. The fire, however, of the enemy becoming very severe, and
there being no connection on our left, the rebels meanwhile advancing in two lines of battle and endeavoring to gain our flank, the order was given to fall back, changing front to the left.
The line was reformed about 150 yards in the rear, and the advance of the enemy checked, and they in turn retired, upon the coming of the Tenth Indiana, the fight lasting some fifteen minutes, and the fire was really very severe.
Most of the officers and men behaved with the utmost gallantry, and did all under the circumstances the most exacting commandant
could ask. The object of the advance was gained.
The enemy was found, and found, too, in uncomfortably strong numbers.
That night they crossed the river, burning their boats and bridges behind them.
Our losses from the 2d to the
9th of July
, inclusive, were:
During the evening the brigade enjoyed a much-needed rest on the north bank of the Chattahoochee.
On the
the brigade crossed the Chattahoochee River, bivouacking on its south bank; the next morning moved to the south side of Nancy's Creek and remained for the day. On the
advanced and went into position onefourth of a mile south of Peach Tree Creek, and on the left of the division.
During this and the succeeding day had severe skirmishing, and on the 21st drove the rebel pickets back to their main works, the Fourteenth Ohio, under command of
, supporting the skirmishers.
On the
the rebels abandoned their works early in the morning and fell back to Atlanta.
The brigade moved forward in the direction of Atlanta and went into position one-half mile west of the railroad and about
two miles from Atlanta
, on the Turner's Ferry road, and on the left of the division.
Remained in this position, subject a portion of the time to severe shelling, until
, when, being relieved by
's brigade, of
's division, Twentieth Army Corps, we moved southwest about four miles and went into position on the right of the Twenty-third Army Corps, near Utoy Creek, and put up works for my front line of battle on the ground I found occupied by our skirmishers.
On the
our pickets were hotly engaged with the rebel skirmishers.
On the
, a general advance of our picket-lines being ordered, I increased the strength of my own by two additional companies from the Thirty-eighth Ohio and one from the Fourteenth Ohio, and placed the line under the immediate command of
, Thirty-eighth Ohio.
Upon the signal for the advance being given, the skirmishers advanced in the most gallant manner, carrying the rebel skirmish
pits under a most galling fire, and capturing nearly all occupants.
I cannot but think the charge was the handsomest and most successful one of the campaign.
Officers and men behaved magnificently, and evinced a dash and a courage rarely equaled, never surpassed.
Our picket-lines were immediately established on those so recently held by the rebels, and our main lines advanced from 100 to 150 yards in face of and under a severe musketry and artillery fire from the main works of the enemy.
The day, however, so aupicious in its events to the general good, was rendered gloomy by the loss of some of the most gallant
officers and men of the brigade, among whom was
Lieut. Col.
, commanding the Seventyfourth Indiana, instantly killed;
, of the Thirtyeighth Ohio, in charge of the pickets, severely wounded, leg being badly shattered, and
, of the Thirty-eighth Ohio, besides some 70 non-commissioned officers and men killed and wounded.
was one of the most gallant and efficient officers in the [service], and in his death his regiment met with an irreparable loss and
the country a most valuable servant.
, by his severe wounds, has earned a new claim to the sympathy and respect of his fellow soldiers and gratitude of the loyal
I would be glad to speak particularly of other officers whose conduct during the campaign has merited the highest praise,
but the length to which even the brief resum6 of a campaign of more than ninety days has unavoidably extended this report warns me to bring it to a close.
I will only add that the officers and men of this brigade, with scarcely an exception, have borne the hardships and privations
of this campaign with the greatest fortitude and patience; and its dangers, when called upon to meet them, with the utmost
gallantry and coolness.
I cannot close this hurried and imperfect report without expressing to the general commanding the division and the officers
of his staff my sincere thanks for the uniform courtesy which he and they have extended toward me during the entire campaign.
Accompanying this report will be found a complete list of casualties.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Division.
Hdqrs. Third Brig., Third Div., 14TH Army Corps, Near Atlanta,
8, 1864
Major: I have, the honor to submit the following statement of the operations of the brigade from
The brigade continued in its position near Utoy Creek, about
four and a half miles
south of Atlanta
, and held the same until the night of the 26th.
During this time it was engaged in constant skirmishing along the picket-line, suffering more or less daily, but inflicting
still greater upon the enemy.
Our lines were so near the main lines of the enemy that our men were constantly annoyed by the fire of sharpshooters, and
many killed and wounded from their main works.
A list of casualties during this time is attached to this report.
We received within our lines during this period a great many deserters, the number of which cannot be accurately reported
in consequence of a change of provost-marshal upon my staff, but, as near as can be determined, between 30 and 40.
On the night of the
25th of August, 1864, the brigade was withdrawn from the enemy's front without loss and moved to the left of the First Division, which had previously moved around to the right and on the left of the Army of the Ohio.
The day following the brigade again moved to the right and participated in the flank movements of the army without engaging
the enemy until the
1st of September
Respectfully submitted.
Major: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, in the action near Jonesborough,
About noon of that day the brigade broke up its encampment, and moving forward at the head of the division continued in motion
until about 4 p.m. It then formed in line of battle in rear of the left brigade of
's division in a field about
one mile and a half from Jonesborough
, and about three-fourths of a mile from the enemy's works, the left of the brigade resting upon the Atlanta andMacon Railroad.
The brigade was formed in two lines, the Tenth Kentucky and Thirty-eighth Ohio constituting the front line, the Seventy-fourth Indiana and Fourteenth Ohio the second line.
The Tenth Kentucky was upon the right of the front line, the Seventy-fourth Indiana upon the right of the second line.
Upon the advance of the division of
my brigade moved forward in the rear of the brigade commanded by
, in accordance with orders received direct from
, commanding the corps, the general commanding the division being temporarily absent examining the enemy's lines upon the
left of the railroad.
Upon entering the woods in front of the field, the command was halted in obedience to the orders of the general commanding
the division, but soon after was again put in motion, in accordance with his direction.
By the time the brigade emerged from the dense woods through which it had to pass, the First Division was warmly engaged.
Passing partly across the field, I halted the brigade near the brow of the hill and in rear of the brigade commanded by
, of the First Division, and ordered the men to lie down.
In about ten minutes, in obedience to direct orders from the corps commander, I moved the brigade by the right flank to the rear of the brigade
of regulars, commanded by
, and constituting the right of the First Division.
This brigade had been hotly engaged for some time, suffering severely from the enemy's fire, and had unsuccessfully attempted
to carry their works.
Upon their right it was said the contest had so far been more favorable to the rebel than Union arms.
At this juncture of affairs I was ordered to relieve the regular brigade, pass their lines, and assault the rebel works in their and my front.
Ordering bayonets fixed, the word forward was given, and the command moved slowly and deliberately to the front with as much coolness and regularity as bhey ever had
done on battalion drill.
Ere reaching the crest of the hill and the edge of the woods, just beyond which the rebel line of works were constructed,
I had ordered the lines to lie down whilst the first volley should be received, and then both lines to rush forward to the charge.
The order was exactly executed, and the charge magnificently performed, and the first lines of the enemy's works carried as with a whirlwind.
Still, their second and more formidable line remained.
At this moment I discovered for the first time that I had no support upon my immediate left, and that the ground I had up to this time supposed to be occupied by the
brigade of
was unoccupied as far as I could see through the woods.
I have since been informed by
that this was owing to the necessity he was under of moving most of his brigade to the left across the railroad, in order
to protect his left flank, and push back the enemy in that direction, who, at that time, were pouring nearly an enfilading fire upon his lines.
I dared not push my lines farther forward on my left until additional troops could be placed upon my left, as the enemy were
far overlapping my lines, and would, if I had advanced farther, in all probability have flanked the brigade upon the left,
and thereby imperiled the success already achieved.
I sent, therefore, my aides to
, and to
, commanding First Brigade, lest the general commanding the division might not immediately be found, and as every moment seemed critical and of the
utmost importance an aide of
also kindly volunteered to procure for me the needed help.
Soon after I saw the Seventeenth New York, Colonel [Grower] commanding, moving across the field to my right.
I hastened to the commanding officer, explained hurriedly the emergency of affairs.
and he gallantly hastened to my assistance.
Under my direction he placed his regiment upon the left of my brigade.
I immediately ordered the second charge.
Gallantly the whole command responded, and charged impetuously upon and over the enemy's second line, capturing or killing nearly all the rebels behind their works in my front.
At the time of the second charge the general commanding the division was upon the field in the immediate rear of the battalions upon the right, inspiring
the men by his splendid courage and his almost unauthorized and reckless exposure of himself to the enemy's fire.
With the capture of the enemy's second line toward the left, the contest ceased, and our troops remained master of the field.
The enemy in front of the Thirty-eighth and Fourteenth Ohio were composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky (rebel) Regiments, known as
' brigade, but during the fight were under command of
, of the Ninth Kentucky.
The brigade is in the division formerly commanded by
, but on
, by
In front of the Tenth Kentucky and Seventy-fourth Indiana, upon the right, was the Sixth and Seventh Arkansas Regiments, and the consolidated batteries of the Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas, four guns.
They were attached to the brigade commanded by
, of
's division, and formed the right of his command.
A large proportion of the officers and men comprising these commands in our front, except those of one of the Kentucky regiments upon our left, were either killed or captured.
They fought with the greatest desperation, and only yielded to the superior heroism of our men. The bayonet was freely used
all along the line upon both sides.
The troops met were confessedly among the best of the rebel army, were superior in point of numbers, and had the advantage
of works and artillery.
I can give no accurate account of the number of prisoners captured, as by far the greatest number were sent to the rear without
guards, as I had only men enough to fight the armed rebels in front.
Among my prisoners, however, were
, commanding Sixth and Seventh Arkansas;
Lieut. Col.
, commanding Second Kentucky;
, commanding Sixth Kentucky, besides a large number of commissioned officers.
, of my staff, delivered 26 commissioned officers and 196 enlisted men over to corps headquarters, and
, of the Eighteenth Regulars, informed me he had in addition secured some 350 rebels running to the rear, who were captured by my brigade.
, Seventyfourth Indiana, with his own hand, captured the colors and color bearer of the Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas Battery, and Companies A, F, and D of that regiment unquestionably captured their guns and most of the men belonging to the battery some time before the arrival
of any support upon the right, as is evidenced by accompanying statements of
, of the Seventy-fourth Indiana, and their men. I desire to direct the especial attention of the general commanding to these statements in order that he
may claim for and assert for the gallant officers and men deserved and hard-won credit, without, however, desiring in the
least degree to detract from the merits of the troops of any other command, least of all of the gallant soldiers of the Second Division, who, from the battle of Shiloh down to the present time, have again and again given the highest proofs of courage and heroism.
But on
it was the terrible yet happy fortune of the Third Brigade to meet the enemy in his strongest position and break his lines under the heaviest fire, as the list of casualties abundantly
It is, therefore, but simple justice to the living as well as dead heroes of the Third Brigade that the chiefest honors of the sanguinary contest of that day should be awarded them.
Certainly the Second Division won glory enough even on that day not to deprive their brothers in arms of any which properly belongs to them.
The battle, so far as the Third Brigade was concerned, lasted but little over thirty minutes. It went into action with 1,075 muskets and 64 field and commissioned officers.
It lost during the fight 3 officers and 72 enlisted men killed, and 18 officers and 237 enlisted men wounded.
Total killed, 75; wounded, 255.
Total loss, 330, or a little more than 30 per cent. of our force engaged.
These figures of themselves, more eloquently than words, proclaim the heroism of the men and the terrible character of the
A full and complete list of the casualties
Omitted. accompaies this report, and I will only add that a very considerable portion of the wounds are reported by the surgeons as
mortal and a very large proportion as very severe, whilst very many who were slightly hurt, I am informed by the regimental
commandants, have not been reported at all. With few exceptions all the command behaved so gallantly that it almost seems
invidious to mention especially the bearing of any one by name, and yet I feel that it is but an act of justice to make particular mention of the splendid courage of
, commanding Thirty-eighth Ohio, who was severely wounded while in the act of raising the colors of his regiment from the ground, where they had fallen in
consequence of the wounding of his color bearer.
With so gallant a leader it is not strange his regiment should have done so nobly.
, commanding Fourteenth Ohio, was severely wounded at almost the beginning of the engagement whilst gallantly urging his brave men forward by both voice
and example.
His place was fortunately filled by
, than whom no better or braver men live.
, commanding Seventy-fourth Indiana, was everywhere encouraging his men and sharing equally with them the dangers of the battle.
, commanding Tenth Kentucky, gallantly assisted by
, showed himself to be among the bravest of the brave, and, with his command, was among the first to reach the enemy's works.
The amputated arms and limbs and torn bodies of the wounded officers ��� a list of whom is hereto attached-speak more eloquently than any
poor words of mine can do their noble conduct.
It is the highest praise that can be spoken of them to say they proved themselves worthy of the rank they bore and of the
men under them.
, of the Fourteenth Ohio, was instantly killed whilst under my eye, successfully rallying a few men who momentarily faltered under the terrific fire
to which they were subjected.
Of enlisted men my especial attention has been directed by the regimental commanders to the gallant conduct of
, Tenth Kentucky, color bearer, who, when the regiment was for a moment checked within twenty yards of the enemy's works by the murderous fire, rushed forward with the flag, and planting it on the works, called on his comrades
to rally around it; of
, color bearer of the Fourteenth Ohio, who was among the first of his regiment to reach the enemy's second line of works, and was shot down while planting the colors on the top of them; of
, of the color guard, who immediately lifted the colors and was severely wounded whilst doing so, and of
, who then took them and raised them upon the works, and there held them till the contest was over.
To the conduct likewise of the color bearer and guard of the Seventy-fourth Indiana, including
, who was killed in advance of the lines whilst urging his comrades forward, and whose last words were, Boys, follow me.
The colors were then taken by
, who is reported as having manifested the most dauntless courage.
The color guard of the Thirty-eighth Ohio also behaved with great heroism,
being killed, and
severely wounded.
I cannot close this hurried and imperfect report without a brief allusion to the gallant bearing of my staff officers.
, Fourteenth Ohio, and acting assistant adjutant-general, was killed with sword in hand, pressing forward with his regiment upon the enemy's
lines in the second and last charge.
The life of no more generous and whole-souled man or more gallant soldier was ever sacrificed for our country's safety.
He died as a brave man loves to die, with his face to the foe, and just as victory was crowning our efforts.
, brigade inspector;
(wounded twice) and
, acting aides, was I under the greatest obligations for efficient and valuable assistance.
, of my escort, was severely wounded, but would not go to the rear until ordered.
All my orderlies behaved in the most meritorious manner, especially
, who proved himself, as ab Chickamauga, a perfect hero.
In conclusion, I cannot forbear giving expression to my feelings of pride and gratification at the manner in which the brigade
upheld the honor of the diyision and corps upon that day, and to my belief that not an officer or private of my command went
to the rear from the moment we formed for the assault without a good and sufficient reason.
I am, major, yours, very respectfully,
Maj. James A. Lowrie , Asst. Adjt. Gen., Third Division, 14th Army Corps.
Hdqrs. Seventy-Fourth Indiana Volunteers,
3, 1864
Commanding Third Brigade
Understanding there is some dispute relative to who captured the Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas Battery in the fight of
, I desire to submit the following statement: I was, when the line was formed for the charge, on the right of my company,
which was on the right of the second line, the Tenth Kentucky being in our front.
Our regiment being considerably the largest, overlapped the Tenth on the right.
About the time the charge was ordered, just on the edge of the woods, we rushed forward, obliquing a little to the right,
and Companies A, F, and D went on the front line, on the right of the Tenth Kentucky.
During our advance we received two discharges from the battery.
We, however, pushed forward, there then being no troops on our right, reached the battery and the rebel line of works by its
side, capturing most of the men behind both the battery and the rifle-pits.
After we reached the battery there were no rebels left to fire its guns.
In from five to ten minutes thereafter other-troops came up on our right and rear, considerably overlapping us, but not belonging to our brigade.
Some of them were the Fourteenth Michigan.
I saw
capture the rebel who bore the battery battle-flag myself; he was just behind one of the guns and endeavoring to escape.
I know we, for a considerable time, had virtual possession of the Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas Battery before troops from any other brigade came to our support, and that after we reached them no guns were fired from that battery.
In the charge on the
1st of September, 1864, by the Third Brigade, I was commanding Company F, Seventy-fourth Indiana Volunteers, which was on the right of the second line when the brigade line of battle was formed.
In advancing, Companies A, F, and D of our regiment overlapped and extended to the right of the first line of battle, and there being no troops connecting with us on the right, we, upon entering the woods in front of the enemy's
works, obliqued to the right and charged the works of the enemy, so that Company A of our regiment ran upon and over a rebel battery of four guns, a portion of which were firing upon us while we were advancing.
WVe carried the works, capturing nearly all the troops occupying them, and sent the prisoners to the rear, Company A capturing those immediately at the battery.
Second Lieut.
, of Company A, captured a color said to belong to the battery and marked Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas.
took the color from the hands of a rebel and sent him to our rear.
After we had held the works some minutes a line of troops, claiming to belong to the Tenth and Fourteenth Michigan and Sixtieth Illinois Regiments, came up on our right and rear, overlapping us. This was the first support we had on the right of our brigade.
The guns of said battery were not fired after we reached the rebel works, as before stated.
Soon after the line of troops came up on our right and rear we received orders from
, commanding Seventy-fourth Indiana Volunteers, to move to the left and close up on our regiment, which we did, leaving the works and guns in the hands of these troops.
No troops had arrived at any portion of the works on our immediate right when we captured the guns and works.
When the line of troops before mentioned arrived on our right and in our rear they halted with us behind the rebel works,
and the commanding officer of the Sixtieth Illinois sent out vedettes in our front to give notice if the enemy should advance a new line for the purpose of retaking the works.
Mean time we were changing the works so we could hold them and make them serve as a protection to our troops, until we were,
as before stated, ordered to move to the left.
Statement of
I belong to Company A, and was on the right of the regiment, which was on the right second line, when the brigade line of battle was formed, I in the advance.
Three right companies of our regiment, upon entering the woods in front of the enemy's works overlapping the front line, obliqued
to the right, and upon charging over and entering the rebel works were upon the right of the Tenth Kentucky, of our brigade, which was on the front line in the formation of the line of battle.
In so advancing we ran over and upon a rebel battery of four guns, a portion of which fired grape and canister upon us. The cannoneers were mostly captured, few perhaps getting away,
and were sent to the rear.
I captured the flag of the battery, or which was so stated to be, from one of the battery men. The battery was called by the prisoners The consolidated batteries of the Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas.
The flag I delivered over to
, commanding brigade.
There was no gun of this battery fired after I reached them, as stated.
A few minutes after we had taken the works, troops to the right and rear came up and considerably overlapped us on their left.
They seemed to be in considerable irregularity, and there were men among them who claimed to belong to the Tenth and Fourteenth Michigan, and, I think, some to the Sixtieth Illinois.
Soon after they came, we were moved to the left and joined the rest of the regiment, and the guns were left in the possession
of these troops.
Statement of
Second Lieut.
headquarters Seventy-Fourth Indiana,
3, 1864
Statement of
Second Lieut.
headquarters Seventy-Fourth Indiana,
I belong to and command Company D. The left of my company joined on the immediate right of the Tenth Kentucky and front line.
In gaining the works of the enemy my company sent back the prisoners, and then fell back on the outside of the works, where
I reformed my company under cover of the embankment, as we anticipated a charge from the enemy from out of the woods in the
rear of their works.
I was in plain sight of
, of Company A, and saw him take the rebel flag, said to belong to the rebel battery of four guns on my immediate right, and marked Eighth and Nineteenth Arkansas Battery.
After reforming, some of the
[Sixtieth?] Illinois, and Tenth and Fourteenth Michigan came up in our rear and reformed in rear of our line.
We received orders to move to the left, and thereby left the guns of this battery in the hands of the troops above mentioned
in our rear.
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