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Our Documents archive includes personal letters, newspaper articles, images, business documents and more. Documents are identified with a particular Topic, and are accessible through and used by our Views. This page shows users the most recently added and updated new documents in the collection. Our complete database search includes all documents and objects in the Railroads and the Making of Modern America collection from various archives and partners, public as well as private. The collection is refreshed and reindexed regularly to include new materials, usually at the beginning of every academic semester (August, December, May).

22 Documents found

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  • | Illustration

    Three in the Morning

    This image from the September 10, 1859 issue of Harper's Weekly depicts a man dressed for a morning on the town.

  • | Book


    An excerpt from Henry David Thoreau's Walden. The progress represented by the railroad presents a mixed legacy to the rural life Thoreau treasures.