Clara C. Chapin to Erasmus M. Correll
Riverton, Neb.
December 26, 1881
Dear Sir,
Knowing your self-sacrificing spirit, I don't want to ask too much of you, but can you make it possible to be present at our Co. Convention to be held in Bloomington Jan 20th? I have not been officially instructed to extend this invitation, and perhaps you have already received one from head-quarters, but in order to make our convention a success, I feel we must have outside assistance. I have also sent Mrs. Colby an invitation or rather an urgent request, she present. We are in hopes, in a few days, to have a through passenger train to Culbertson. By this arrangement you will not be obliged to remain in Red Cloud over night either way.
We have recently had the pleasure of a visit form Miss Bell, who is a grand success wherever she goes. The “cause” in Franklin Co. received a wonderful impetus in her visit. We were sorry she could not go any farther west than Bloomington.
Very Truly Yours, Clara C. Chapin