Visualization overview
There are an increasing number of tools available to persons interested in exploring digital history under their own steam - that is, those who do not have the readily-available resource of a digital history or humanities center or department specialist. I would suggest that, for most people, the process of looking for tools is an incredibly valuable part of the process of learning what questions they can help us ask and answer and I encourage exploration. As I was primarily interested in understanding how space, persons, and mobility interested in Nebraska's campaign, I looked for tools that gave me a chance to map multiple aspects of my research. The next few pages give a brief look at the projects I am working on with two tools - InfoVis and MIT's Exhibit. In addition, I have included a brief look at Wordle.
For those interested in thinking about Digital History, how it can be presented and how tools can be integrated, I recommend starting with Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web by Daniel Cohen and the late Roy Rosenzweig. The book is available free here.
Exhibit projects and tool review.
InfoVis project and tool review.
Google Earth projects and tool review.