Complete Bibliography for "The Iron Way"
A Note on Sources
Many of the sources used in this book have been digitized and are available in the “Railroads and the Making of Modern America” project. Libraries and archives continue to preserve, maintain, and make available to scholars the most important sources for understanding this period--the original documents. I have also used many of the newly available digital source collections to find materials, including Google Books, ProQuest, American Periodicals Series, and Thousands of online articles and documents have been consulted in the research for this book. These research tools have proven invaluable for sifting across collections to discover keywords, individuals, and particular events. I have also consulted secondary sources and dissertations on the Civil War era and on railroads, a large and rapidly growing and complex literature. I have focused on the most recent and relevant works, and have cited these in the notes.

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Manuscript Collections Consulted
Newberry Library
Illinois Central Railroad Collection
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Collection
- Grenville Dodge Papers
- Ephraim C. Dawes Papers
- Charles T. Kruse Papers
- Henry C. Parry Papers
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National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, D.C.
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Online Primary Sources
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Printed Primary Sources
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